Une version de Gens (basé sur la version 2.12) permettant d’enregistrer vos parties sous l’émulateur.

* Fixed crash when attempting to display in 16-bit mode
* 16-bit mode properly respects XRay setting
* « Never skip frame in auto frameskip » can now be turned off once set

* Graphics layers are now labelled properly in the Graphics->Layers toggle menu
* Option to force sprites always to display in front
* Option to lock the display palette
* AVI dumps from currently active screen frame buffer, previously dumped from 16-bit frame buffer.
* AVI dump no longer one half pixel off, horizontally
* Multi-track recording now behaves in a sane, intuitive way
* Multi-track recording now has a submenu (tools->movie->tracks)
* New hotkeys for multi-track recording: « <" for Previous track, and "> » for next track
* Raw pixel display mode (Graphics->color adjust->XRay), interprets pixel flags and palette data as an RGB color code
* Prompt to resume recording at the end of movie playback, if you’ve recorded at all since opening it, aren’t recording an AVI, and don’t have « Automatic Close Movie » checked (Thanks Truncated)
* « hook ram » no longer causes gens to crash if toggled on before « instruction logging »
* « hook ram » now respects settings in configuration file
* PWM Volume now behaves properly
* Unbroke 32X savestates
* The 0-9 save select keys are now configurable in behavior (Options->Joypad)

Télécharger Gens Rerecording v2.12 Movie 11c SVN 352 (883.4 Ko)

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