Il ne s’agit pas d’un émulateur multi-systèmes mais d’une archive regroupant tout les émulateurs de Takeda.

Elle inclus:

– Emu5: Emulateur de SORD m5
– EmuLTI8: Emulateur de MITSUBISHI Elec. MULTI8
– EmuPIA: Emulateur de TOSHIBA PASOPIA
– EmuPIA7: Emulateur de TOSHIBA PASOPIA7 et LCD
– EmuZ-700: Emulateur de SHARP MZ-700
– EmuZ-2500: Emulateur de SHARP MZ-2500
– EmuZ-2800: Emulateur de SHARP MZ-2800
– EmuZ-3500: Emulateur de SHARP MZ-3500
– EmuZ-5500: Emulateur de SHARP MZ-5500/6500/6550
– eFMR-50: Emulateur de FUJITSU FMR-50
eHANDY98 – Emulateur de NEC PC-98HA (HANDY98)
– eHC-40: Emulateur de EPSON HC-40/PX-4
– eHC-80: Emulateur de EPSON HC-80/PX-8/Geneva
– ePV-1000: Emulateur de CASIO PV-1000
– EmuGaki: Emulateur de CASIO PV-2000
ePC-100 – Emulateur de NEC PC-100 emulator
ePC-3200 – Emulateur de SHARP PC-3200 emulator
– ePyuTa: Emulateur de TOMY PyuTa / PyuTa Jr.
– eQC-10: Emulateur de EPSON QC-10/QX-10
– eRX-78: Emulateur de BANDAI RX-78
– eSCV: Emulateur de EPOCH Super Cassette Vision
– eX-07: Emulateur de CANON X-07

*Nouveaux émulateurs.

Les changements:

[EMU/WIN32] support rotate screen
[EMU/WIN32] fix build problem for Windows CE
[BEEP] more clear beep generation for the constant frequency
[BEEP] fix mute logic
[DEVICE] return address for unassigned I/O port
[EVENT] fix crash problem in the initialization
[I8251] fix PE bit in the status register
[I8253] check edge of the input signal
[I8253] fix gate signal
[RTC58321] support i/o coonection interface
[UPD4991A] modify i/o connection interface
[UPD4991A] fix year data
[UPD765A] support drq line delay
[EMU/WIN32] open command line as cart or disk file path
[EMU/WIN32] convert file path to full and long file path
[AND/OR/NAND/NOR] support and/or/nand/nor gates
[DATAREC] output low signal when the tape is closed
[MB8876] support motor on/off signal
[PCM1BIT] support on/off signal
[PCM1BIT] support high quality sound
[RTC58321] support RTC58321
[UPD4991A] support uPD4991A
[UPD765A] fdc status patch for MZ-3500
[X86] fix freeze problem that some opecodes did not decrease the clock
[Z80] return busack signal whe busreq occurs

Télécharger Takeda Common Binaries (2024/01/01) (15.7 Mo)

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