Les builds de MAME continuent de défiler, c’est maintenant au tour de R. Belmont de releaser une nouvelle version de son SDLMAME.

SDL newness includes:
* Support for -joymap and -joymap_file switches, which together let you remap the order your joysticks/pads appear in to MAME by their device name. (Ask about this on the board for more details) (couriersud)
* Cleaned up verbose TTY output to use MAME’s core functionality (couriersud)
* Silence audio when paused (couriersud)
* Fixed compiler warnings in testkeys utility (couriersud)
* Fixed behavior of -artwork_crop in software and OpenGL render modes (couriersud)
* Better support for environment variables in paths, including no longer crashing if a variable that isn’t set is specified (couriersud)

Smoke tested on Fedora 6 (x86).

Site Officiel

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