Créé par Avery Lee (l’auteur de VirtualDub), il s’agit d’un émulateur d’Atari 8 bits (800/800XL/130XE).

[features added]
* Debugger: Register pane now shows 65C816 state.
* Debugger: Added context menu to disassembly pane.
* Debugger: *.lst and *.lab symbols are automatically detected and loaded for direct-run EXEs and cartridges.
* Debugger: Improved source-level debugging capability.
* Debugger: Opcodes are now cached so that they show correctly in the history log even with bank switching.
* UI: Filter mode is now saved on exit.
* UI: Added command to copy current frame to the clipboard.
* UI: Added paddle support.
* GTIA: Optimized artifacting code.
* GTIA: Added the ability to disable collisions for cheating.
* Cartridge: Added support for 64K XEGS and 512K MegaCart cartridge types.
* Cartridge: Added support for SuperCharger 3D cartridge.
* Cassette: Added support for non-standard baud rates.
* Cassette: Added auto-boot option.
* Cassette: Device open commands are now accelerated.

[bugs fixed]
* Simulator: More fixes to executable loader.
* Simulator: 320K memory mode now banks ANTIC along with the CPU.
* Simulator: Joystick and bank switch masking via the PIA data direction register is now supported.
* Simulator: Rewrote BASIC handling to use the OPTION switch rather than masking PORTB bit 1.
* Simulator: Reset PIA, ANTIC, and CPU on warm reset for XL hardware.
* Simulator: Self-test ROM no longer appears if kernel ROM is disabled.
* Simulator: Adjusted PAL frame rate.
* Simulator: Disk boot flag is now set when loading EXEs to accommodate programs that warm start through DOSINI vector.
* Simulator: EXE loader is more tolerant of broken files.
* CPU: Fixed many 65C02/65C816 bugs.
* CPU: Fixed emulation of NMOS 6502 decimal mode.
* CPU: Fixed bugs in undocumented instructions.
* CPU: Fixed emulation crash when switching to 65C816 on the fly.
* CPU: Fixed handling of break flag.
* CPU: Now allow one instruction to pass before taking IRQ interrupt after clearing I flag.
* Debugger: Improved handling of 65C816 modes in disassembler.
* Debugger: Debug memory reads no longer see $FF in the page where a read memory breakpoint is set.
* Debugger: Fixed bugs in symbol parser when loading MADS listings.
* Debugger: Fixed line highlighting in source windows.
* Debugger: Disassembly recomputes on 65C816 mode changes.
* Disk: Fixed bug in loading of ATR files that have non-standard boot sector counts.
* Disk: Additional compatibility fixes to DSKINV acceleration.
* Disk: Status commands are no longer delayed by the accurate disk timing option.
* Disk: Applied slight adjustment to SIO transfer rate.
* Disk: POKEY timers are now shut off after SIO/DSKINV acceleration.
* Disk: Strengthened disk image format validation and made XFD loading more tolerant.
* UI: Fixed bug in CPU mode dialog that prevented selection of 65C02 mode.
* UI: Fixed crash when accessing menu with display pane closed.
* UI: Keyboard-as-joystick logic no longer allows simultaneous up+down and left+right.
* UI: Added support for controlling joystick port 2.
* UI: Blocked invalid machine configurations with XL kernel and 800 hardware or less than 64K of memory.
* ANTIC: Fixed broken mode 9.
* ANTIC: Vertical reflect now works on modes 4-7.
* ANTIC: Player/missile DMA no longer occurs during vertical blank.
* ANTIC: Fixed behavior of vertical scrolling on blank lines.
* ANTIC: Changes in playfield width are now supported later in a scan line.
* ANTIC: Moved VCOUNT advance forward by one cycle.
* ANTIC: NMIs are now suppressed if enabled too close to trigger point.
* ANTIC: NMIs are now delayed by one cycle if enabled exactly on cycle 8.
* GTIA: Bogus missile-player collisions were reported if a register change occurred in the middle of a missile.
* GTIA: Fixed CONSOL I/O interactions on switch lines.
* GTIA: Save states now restore player/missile widths.
* HLE: DSKINV now supports double-density disks.
* HLE: Improved compatibility of post-init PORTB state.
* POKEY: Rewrote resampling filter to better block high frequencies.
* POKEY: Fixed 17-bit noise register polynomial and shift direction.
* POKEY: Initialization mode (SKCTL[1:0] == 0) now resets the low-speed clocks and polynomial shift registers.
* POKEY: Asynchronous serial receive mode no longer suspends channels 3 and 4.

Télécharger Altirra v4.21 Final (6.4 Mo)

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