Ecrit par StapleButter (auteur des émulateurs de SuperNES lolSNES/blargSNES pour DS et 3DS et ayant contribué pour DeSmuME), il s’agit d’un émulateur de Nintendo DS pour Windows et Linux dont l’objectif est de faire les choses bien et rapidement, semblable à blargSNES mais en mieux (dixit l’auteur).
Les changements:

• implement access modes for certain IO registers that were unhandled
• actually implement RCNT instead of hardcoding it
• wifi: emulation of multiplayer cmd/reply/ack transfers
• wifi: more accurate RFSTATUS/RFPINS
• wifi: some games can go into multiplayer now (Pictochat, NSMB, Pokémon known working)
• improved savemem detect heuristic
• implement firmware write, fix SPI bugs
• accurate emulation of ‘main memory display FIFO’
• 2D: fix render/capture order
• 2D: implement mode6 large BG
• 2D: fix bitmap BG sizes
• 2D: fix rotscaled bitmap sprites
• 3D: fix missing term in MatrixTranslate
• 3D: fix toon highlight mode
• 3D: fix boxtest bug
• 3D: accurate viewport transform
• 3D: polygon Y-sorting
• 3D: more accurate interpolation, still not perfect
• 3D: more accurate Z and W transforms, fix some cases of Z-fighting
• 3D: separate polygonID attributes for opaque and translucent pixels
• 3D: start documenting and implementing depth test edge cases
• emulate delays for SPI transfers and div/sqrt
• misc bugfixes/additions as usual


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Télécharger melonDS v0.4 (2.2 Mo)

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