Il s’agit d’une interface graphique écrite par Tyler J. Stachecki et destinée à l’émulateur de Nintendo64 nommé CEN64.


– Update TheGamesDB scraper to use version two of their API.
+ Older versions can no longer download game information with version one of their API disabled.
+ This version will refresh your ROM collection and game information when it first starts.
– Add a « Super » image size.
– Fix a small issue
– Use a different cache directory instead of deleting original
– Use showError method and fill in empty strings for missing information
– Bug fix
– Cache only result array instead of full request
– Add a Super image size now that cached images are slightly larger
– Update TheGamesDB API to version 2

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Télécharger Cen64 QT (Frontend) Alpha (2022/03/26) (11.0 Mo)

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