Quickplay est un grand frontend multi-système incluant des fonctions avancées pour Mame, Virtual Tree, Emu-Finder, un système IPS, Mirroring de répertoire, support Zip pour les émulateurs ne le supportant pas et beaucoup d’autres choses.

– misc fixes for about form
– mametool fix bug when user only has one rompath in their mame.ini for all romtypes (ie: when CHDs etc are subfolders of their ROMS folder) – bug found by user sekelje
– mametool allow rompaths in mame.ini to be relative (detect relative paths, and append mame emulator path to all paths found if folder is relative) – raiseed by sekelje
– mametool fix issue discovered with Mame 220: devices do not need instances or extensions according to MAME DTD, Mametool was assuming all devices would have instances (useless without?). Remove devices without instances and additionally defensively protect use of device briefnames – bug found by sekelje
– mametool take naming of ‘Acorn Computers’ (MAME 220) back to ‘Acorn’ (QuickPlay company names try to be as simple/short as possible, if the intention was to highight a difference between well-known Acorn and another Acorn, should have renamed the other Acorn)
– romdata magician Genesis can’t coexist w Genesis/32X…
– Romdata Magician GBA current system name needs bumping…
– updated repo readme


Télécharger QuickPlay v4.7.6 (112.0 Mo)

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