Créé par Rich Whitehouse, BigPEmu est le premier émulateur Atari Jaguar et Jaguar CD à offrir une compatibilité avec l’ensemble de la bibliothèque de cartouches vendues dans le commerce et offre d’excellentes performances et une grande variété de fonctionnalités uniques.
A noter qu’à la base il s’agissait d’un emu closed source qui était intégré dans la compilation Atari50. Il s’agit sans l’ombre d’un doute du meilleur émulateur de Jaguar devant Phoenix (qui reste le meilleur émulateur de 3DO), les VirtualJaguar, Mame et tout le reste.
Les changements sont les suivants:
– New scripting system. In developer mode, scripts are auto-recompiled on startup. Developer options are also available to automatically detect script changes while the application is running. Compiled scripts must be enabled through a new Script Modules feature.
– A new script is included which allows Cybermorph to render polygons/textures at the native resolution.
– An option for adjusting MSAA has been added to the video settings. This is only relevant to things which use the native depth buffer, like the new Cybermorph script.
– A new script is included which allows uncapping the framerate in Alien vs. Predator.
– A new script is included which fixes flickering in the Brett Hull Hockey prototype.
– A simplified CRT library along with a whole bunch of BigPEmu-specific API functionality is included in the scripting system via the Scripts/bigpcrt library.
– Basic native DLL (CDECL) call functionality has been implemented in the scripting API, so that others can take the initiative to start implementing things like RetroAchievements as desired.
– Added native mouse input support. (must be enabled in the input settings) Mouse movement and buttons can be bound to analog, rotary, and digital inputs interchangeably.
– Some more work on debugger-enabled builds has been done behind the scenes, but this shouldn’t affect anything user-facing just yet.
– Even more terrible secrets have been added.
– Made sure native rendering works even with a Screen Effect active. However, this isn’t generally a recommended combination, as the effect will be sourcing from a native-resolution buffer instead of a Jaguar-resolution buffer. (post-Patreon build addition)
– Added a -conout command line option. Under Windows, this spawns a console and directs log output here instead of to a file. (post-Patreon build addition)
– The breadth of functionality encompassed by the scripting system is too vast to cover here, so I’ve made a video to highlight some of the features and explain how the existing scripts work:
– Please help me out with support on social media and Patreon! Things have continued to be rough on the health front lately, and I’ve found it’s getting harder to use Twitter to reach my actual target audience, so I’m depending more on organic word of mouth to spread project news and hopefully bring in support.
PS : Pour choisir la langue, quand vous lancez l’émulateur, allez sur information / language / strings_fr.txt
Pack de préréglages glsl précompilés pour l’émulateur BigPEmu disponible ici.
Télécharger BigPEmu v1.15 (7.8 Mo)