0.70u1 General Source Changes ---------------------- Fixed Night Striker dips [Brian A. Troha] src/drivers\taito_z.c This fixes the data size parameter of the DUMP command in the debugger [smf] This fixes the bug where SAVE only worked on 8bit cpus in the debugger [smf] Made dbg_show_scanline the default [Bryan McPhail] src/mamedbg.c Changed a few MAME core files for MESS (shouldn't change Mame behavior) [Nathan Woods] src/usrintrf.h: src/usrintrf.c: - Adds four new calls to control showing the fps count and the profiler: void ui_show_fps_set(int show); int ui_show_fps_get(void); void ui_show_profiler_set(int show); int ui_show_profiler_get(void); src/common.h: - Adds ROM_LOAD32_DWORD src/machine/idectrl.c: src/machine/idectrl.h: src/harddisk.c: src/harddisk.h: src/hdcomp.c: - Enhances the hard disk code to support sector sizes other than 512 bytes (a non-IDE harddisk in MESS for one of the TI systems uses this). src/machine/idectrl.c has been modified to take this into account; it requires that HD images be 512 bytes. The new code is fully backwards compatible with old CHDs that do not have a sector size within them. Tiny changes to enable easy compiling under VC6/7 & older non-c99 compilers [Bryan McPhail] src/drivers/konamigx.c src/drivers/mystwarr.c src/hdcomp.c src/windows/fileio.c src/windows/wind3d.c Konami Updates and Fixes (including fix for dbz / moo / simpsons crashes in 0.70) [Acho A. Tang] src/drivers/moo.c src/vidhrdw/moo.c src/drivers/xexex.c src/vidhrdw/xexex.c src/vidhrdw/konamiic.c src/vidhrdw/konamiic.h Fixed some problems with the new alt. bios code [Chris Kirmse, Paul Priest] src/common.c src/info.c Rewrote Wolf Pack driver based on schematics [Stefan Jokisch] src/drivers/wolfpack.c src/vidhrdw/wolfpack.c D3D Code fixes / Improvements [Leon van Rooij] src/windows/wind3d.c New games supported: -------------------- Grand Tour [Tomasz Slanina] src/drivers/iqblock.c