Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur MSX est disponible. Anciennement connu sous le nom de « FreeMSX » ce projet émule les MSX, MSX2, MSX2+, & Turbo-R. Son interface graphique est bien pensé et sa compatibilité légèrement inférieur a celled de fMSX. Voici les nouveautées :
– RUMSXEMU.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and must be downloaded.
– RUMSXLNG.ZIP (*updated*) has been repackaged to incorporate fixes for V0.25 (binaries are compatible with prior version).
– RUMSXLNX.ZIP (*updated*) contains partially localized versions of RuMSX. In contrast to RUMSXLNG.ZIP the translation is not completed. So these resources are partially english. Affected languages are: french and arabic. This file is NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
– RUMSXHLP.ZIP (unchanged) contains RuMSX HTML-help files.
– RUMSXTST.ZIP (unchanged, huge) is provided to test-configurations of Arabic MSX2, Korean MSX and MSX2 as well as Brasilian MSX 2+ computers. A lot of japanese configurations (partially not working) are added also. Please note that several files are copyright of their respective owners, also not all features are fully working now. So you can use this extension for evaluation only! This extension is also NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
– RUMSXUNI.ZIP (*updated*) contains a trial-version of the RuMSX V0.26 unicode build (MSXW.EXE), which supports world-wide character sets in the single file. The unicode-version requires Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 or Windows XP for execution. This file is NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
– Fixed Z80-commands: IND, INI, OUTD and OUTI and related (modifications by Kefkef)
– Fixed bug in IM0 handling (as identified by NYYRIKKI)
– Fixed configuration-dialog error for unicode build
Improved support for internationalization (especially for arabic and multilingual versions of windows)
– Fixed incorrect center-position of joystick on Windows XP
– RuMSX crashed on Windows NT/2000/XP, if closed while running in fullscreen-mode (final fix)
– Fixed internal sound-queue errors
– Fixed memory-leak in SendMail and HomePage options