Nouvelle révision non officielle pour cet émulateur de v-Tech Creativision, voici les changements par rapport à la version 0.43 :

* fixed cart loading routines in order to have full compatibility with 6, 10, 12, 16 and 18 Kbytes ROMs
* changed most boot messages to match the new cart loading routines
* fixed colours palette to match the (much more realistic) one in MAME
* disabled debugger (F1 key no longer stops emulation)
* changed keymapping to match MAME standard (F3=reset, ESC=exit, etc.)
* added keymapping for right joystick
* fixed error in keymapping of – key
* added full colour icon
* changed HELP option to match the new options and keymapping
* now distributed with SDL 1.2.11, providing *great* sound playback!
* added save/load settings to FunnyMu.ini config file (thanks to iAN_CooG)
* BIOS file can be selected by editing the FunnyMu.ini file
* cleaned up code a bit On en a profité pour ajouter un autre émulateur de Creativision