Créé par Gabest (un membre du forum Ngemu qui est également à l’origine du très bon Media Player Classic), ce nouveau plugin graphique pour DirectX 10 (Windows Vista minimum et carte graphique supportant DX10) est destiné aux émulateurs Playstation 2 pouvant le gérer.

– With dual source alpha blending I can output exactly the right color values, and support 4 out of the last 12 broken alpha blending modes (ffxii main menu background highlighting uses one of them).
– There is a D32S8X24 format (yes, 64-bit), so z buffer is full 32 bit now, it fixes many games.
– The FBA effect doesn´t need one more pass, gundam and others are as fast as possible, while still correctly emulated.
– The geometry shader is an interesting beast, though it´s not that fast as I expected, it still allows me to upload only two vertices for sprites and to do the expansion to two triangles on the video card, it´s really cool. Flat shading is also done with this shader, since there is no support for that in dx10…
– dx10 doesn´t support 16 bit (1555) textures either, I have to do the conversion in the pixel shader, but there seems to be no performance hit.
– Alpha test was removed too, another job for the pixel shader, could be a good thing, since it actually happens earlier than with dx9.

There were minor improvements to dx9 as well, I will try to abstract the dx9/10 dependend things and unify the two plugins, but it won´t be easy.

Rappel: Les cartes vidéos compatibles DirectX 10 sont les séries « nVidia 8 » et « ATI Radeon HD 2xxx »

Update: Un nouveau thread dédié à GSdx10 a été ouvert sur cette page.

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