Un émulateur de Microbee Z80 Premium/Standard 64/128/256/512Kb FDD.

New for this release:
* Added configuration file settings allowing global declaration and use
of customised sections.
* Added user’s monochrome configuration type ‘u’ to the –monitor option.
* Added –mon-fg-x, –mon-bg-x, and –mon-fgl-x options for a user
configurable monochrome monitor.
* Added –basic, –basica, –basicb,–basicc, –basicd, options to override
default BASIC in ROM based models.
* Added –pak, –pak0 to –pak7 options to override PAK ROMs in ROM based
* Added –netrom option to override net ROM in ROM based models.
* Added –rom1, –rom2, –rom3 options to override ROMs in DRAM models.
* Added –charrom option to override the default character ROM.
* Added –colprom option to override early colour internal PROM values.
* Added –sys option to define the system name, this will be appended to
some files so that different operating systems using the same model can
still have unique names for certain files.
* Added 48 –rgb-nn-x options to custom configure the alpha+ colours.
* Added –lcon option to list section names in the configuration file.
* Added –lmodel option to list the available models.
* Modified –fullscreen option to now have a toggling action.
* Character ROM may now be a 2K (2716) or 4K (2732) image type.
* Added Teleterm model emulation option in addition to the existing 256TC
Telecomputer emulation. (Teleterm model requires testing)

* 2mhz model now only able to access the first 2K of character ROM.

Télécharger uBee512 v6.0.0 (1.4 Mo)

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