Appelé également Gens Movie, il s’agit d’une version de Gens (basé sur la version 2.12a) permettant d’enregistrer vos parties sous l’émulateur.

Les changements:

-Optional compensation for game drawing latency. (nitsuja)
-Added configurable default RAM Watch directory to options. (Upthorn)
-Optional automatic loading of previous RAM watch file. (adelikat)
-RAM watch now prompts to save changes when you close gens. (adelikat)
-Fixed bug where framecounter resets and movie closes if you cancel opening a ROM. (nitsuja)
-Fix for menu squashing game window if fonts are too wide. (nitsuja)
-RAM watch now has recent files list. (adelikat)
-Fixed bug where « next render mode » wouldn’t select past EPX. (nitsuja)
-Actually fixed bug where certain hotkeys would be read when window was out of focus. (Upthorn)
-Fixed crash to desktop on AVI splitting. (Upthorn)
-Option for frame advance to skip lag frames. (adelikat)
-Frame search (same feature as VBA) (nitsuja)
-Screenshots optionally no longer use the wrong resolution in 256×224 display mode. (nitsuja)
-Screenshots no longer affected by render mode. (nitsuja)
-Error messages when GMV can not be loaded. (nitsuja)
-Fixed file handle leak in mp3 code. (nitsuja)
-Autopause works correctly again. (Upthorn)
-Fixed bug where saving a state, closing gens, reopening it, and reloading the state would sometimes corrupt the z80 state. (Upthorn)
-GMV files again truncate properly to last recorded frame. (nitsuja)
-RAM Watch window optionally remembers position. (adelikat)
-Fixed bug where movie splicing produced 2 frames of garbage at the splice boundary. (nitsuja)
-RAM Search window now shows which rows will be eliminated by the current search condition. (nitsuja)
-RAM Search now has a modulo comparison operator. (nitsuja)
-Now possible to select and eliminate a range of rows in RAM Search. (nitsuja)
-Added undo/redo buttons to RAM search. (nitsuja)
-Various RAM search bug fixes (nitsuja)
-Movie length now displayed with framecount. (nitsuja)
-Various RAM watch file bug fixes (nitsuja)
-Fixed sound buffer looping when a frame takes longer than expected to render. (nitsuja)
-Lua scripting support (nitsuja)
-Added -play commandline option to begin a movie playing automatically. (adelikat)
-Added -cfg commandline option to automatically load a non-default config. (adelikat)
-Added -loadstate commandline option to automatically load a specified savestate. (adelikat)
-Added -pause commandline option to open the emulator with emulation paused. (adelikat)
-Project now explicitly includes all required files, so no user setup is necessary to compile the svn source. (adelikat/nitsuja/upthorn)
-Added configurable default directory for Lua scripts. (nitsuja)
-RAM Search and RAM Watch no longer require a frame to advance between being opened and displaying correct values. (nitsuja)
-AVI split filesize now configurable. (nitsuja)
-AVIs no longer use the wrong vertical resolution for NTSC games. (nitsuja)
-AVIs optionally no longer use the wrong horizontal resolution in 256×224 display mode. (nitsuja)
-Screenshots now saved as PNG files. (nitsuja)
-Roms and movies can now be opened from inside zip, rar, and 7z files.
-Automatic movie backups once again back up _before_ file truncation. (upthorn)
-« Swap Scroll layer » option now swaps priority of the correct scroll plane. (upthorn)
-Workaround for BRAM size option causing Sega CD desyncs. (nitsuja)
-Drag and drop support for lua scripts, RAM watches, roms, gyms, savestates, cfgs, and zip/rar/7z archives containing them. (nitsuja)
-Added -lua commandline option to automatically load a specified lua script. (nitsuja)
-Added option to temporarily disable SRAM emulation. (nitsuja)
-Included manual/reference for Lua scripting. (nitsuja)
-Autofire and autohold modifiers again behave the same for enabling and disabling holds (nitsuja)
-Hotkey configuration now recognizes three versions of modifier keys (ctrl, alt, shift, win), L, R, and generic. (nitsuja)
-About window displays correct version information (nitsuja/upthorn)

Télécharger Gens Rerecording v2.12 Movie 11c SVN 352 (883.4 Ko)

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