Une version Beta public de l’excellent WinUAE.

– if rom load fails, try to find matching rom file using rom scanner data by comparing file names without paths
– improved file/directory name Amiga<>Windows conversion
– hide directory filesystem file/directory names if they have characters that do not exist in Amiga charset (again, was accidentally changed in 1.6.0), they would have been inaccessible anyway
– non-tablet mouse driver mode was not enabled without magic mouse
– fixed potential crash in mouse driver mode
– « capture before filtering » not enabled mode was broken (b1)
– DIWSTRT hpos <=1: DIW state machine does not change (stop hpos > max was emulated long long time ago)

Télécharger WinUAE (Public Beta) [32 bits] v5.3 Beta 4 (4.5 Mo)

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