Une version Beta public de l’excellent WinUAE.

– RTG board start address was not 16M aligned if Z3 fast board smaller than 16M was enabled (no functional difference)
– D3D mode was still modifying host FPU rounding modes
– increased number of available breakpoints and memwatch points
– debugger commands can be sent via uae-configuration (or custom input event) uae-configuration dbg « debugger command » (remember quotes if debugger command has spaces)
– Fullscreen Max/TV filter settings only worked if display panel resolution matched emulated resolution
– added « Manual » filter option (originally used by AF, now added to GUI, positioning using absolute shres/laced coordinates) Ignore it.

Télécharger WinUAE (Public Beta) [32 bits] v5.3 Beta 5 (4.5 Mo)

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