Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur Sinclair ZX Spectrum tournant sous Windows est disponible. En bref c’est version tourne + vite (manquerait plus que cela soit l’inverse), de 10 a 20%. Elle émule l’interface souris « Kempston » et l’imprimante ZX/Alphacom32 (l’impression est redirigé dans un fichier BMP). Enfin elle est + précise et contient (surement) moins de bugs. Voici la liste complète des nouveautés :

1. Some fixes to the TZX support for DRB-format TZX blocks.
2. Added emulation of the Sinclair ZX Printer/Alphacom 32 printer.
3. Added emulation of the Kempston Mouse Interface.
4. Added « Most Recently Used » file list support.
5. Added command line snapshot/tape/rom loading support.
6. Optimized the pokeb subroutines (submitted by Mark Woodmass).
7. Optimized many of the Z80 opcode subroutines (submitted by
8. Added inline versions of some functions (such as PUSH PC and POP
PC) to « help » the VB optimizer (submitted by Gonchuki).
9. The hDC property of the Spectrum display window is now stored as
a 32-bit long rather than being re-read during each display update.
(submitted by Gonchuki).
10.Now creates and reads TC2048 .z80 snapshots that are compatible
with FUSE (the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator).
11.Some changes to the user interface (vbSpec is now dependent upon
the Microsoft Windows Common Controls OCX – MSCOMCTL.OCX)
12.Performed various miscellaneous minor bug fixes.

Télécharger VbSpec 1.80 (2.9 Mo)

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