Créé par Avery Lee (l’auteur de VirtualDub), il s’agit d’un émulateur d’Atari 8 bits (800/800XL/130XE). Il a beaucoup d’options, et la compatibilité est décente. Il prend en charge les jeux protégés conformément à l’émulation.


features added
– CPU: Preliminary support for accelerated 65C816 operation
– Disk: Added « Extract Boot Sectors » command to disk dialog for use with bootable virtual disks
– Recorder: Added .WAV file audio recording
– UI: Added on-screen indication for some view mode changes
– UI: Added support for per-monitor DPI scaling in Windows 8.1
– UI: Added custom debug font dialog for half point sizes


bugs fixed
– 65C816: Read/modify/write instructions now do read/write/write in emulation mode
– Debugger: Fixed LLE kernel ROM auto-reload and symbol load option
– Debugger: UI panels are now more consistent with debugger commands in numeric base handling.
– GTIA: Fixed bug with VDELAY on missiles
– LLE: Decimal flag is now cleared before dispatching IRQs
– LLE: Fixed BRK handler to handle stack wrapping
– HLE: Added partial fix for CDTMA1 during accelerated disk reads (fixes Ankh with SIO patch enabled)
– UI: Fixed GDI handle leak in text editor
– U1MB: Fixed PIA read decoding to only respond to $D300-D37F (unfixes Bounty Bob Strikes Back!)


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