Créé par Avery Lee (l’auteur de VirtualDub), il s’agit d’un émulateur d’Atari 8 bits (800/800XL/130XE). Il a beaucoup d’options, et la compatibilité est décente. Il prend en charge les jeux protégés conformément à l’émulation.


features added
– Debugger: Added x (examine symbols) command.
– Debugger: Added module!symbol syntax for resolving symbols specific to a module.
– Debugger: .sdx_loadsyms command now works on more versions of SpartaDOS X.
– Disk: .ARC files can now be mounted as SpartaDOS X disk images.
– Disk: Added option to format new disks with the SpartaDOS File System (SDFS).
– HLE: Fixed state of carry flag when exiting DSKINV after failure (fixes Micropainter with SIO patch enabled).
– UI: Added some touch device support.


bugs fixed
– Debugger: lm (list modules) and .unloadsym now work by IDs instead of indices to avoid index renumbering problems.


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