Après Dapple, voici Dapple2 (le retour de la vengance) : Les auteurs sont entrain d’ajouter plus de fonctionnalité a Dapple concernant ce système… Dans le futur peut etre l’émulation d’un disque dur et d’un support de Joystick.

Voici les changements depuis la v0.20 (que j’ai pas eu le temps de poster) :

* BUGFIX: my replacement of hex8tostringf() was incorrect. PEBKAC run
wild. (-uso.)
* Fixed bugs where certain flags were changed when they should not be.
* Added foreign character support and Mousetext.
* Added option to blur text in graphics modes (like ApplePC and SimSystem
IIe, and as on the real machine). Also added more realistic blurry
graphics mode.
* BUGFIX (Font): Mousetext character for Z was one pixel too far right; so
it was not being drawn.
* Cosmetic tweaks.

Télécharger VBA Re-recording v24 LRC4 (svn 480) (2.4 Mo)

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