Nouvelle version de cet émulateur Atari VCS2600… tournant sous Windows pour l’occasion (elle utilise le SDL). La version Dos n’a pas été updaté.

– This is the first public release of the Windows version of z26.
– The assembly language emulator core is now pure 32-bit code.
– There are new windowed video modes.
– The GUI is gone for now. It will probably come back later.
– As far as we know, all games that used to run still run.
– Many smaller changes are discussed in readme.txt.
– Thanks to Eckhard Stolberg for help with this version, particularly with the video routines.

Hélas l’interface graphique a disparau et il vous faudra lancer les jeux en lignes de commandes… Mais ca tourne très bien la preuve :

Télécharger bsnes [Pragmatic] v0.070 (5.3 Mo)

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