Fag m’informe d’une nouvelle release de GeePee32 (qui aux dernières nouvelles était arreté).

– added emulation of 1BPP LCD, primarily used by Mr.Spiv’s « boot firmware selector » and « BIOS monitor ».
– added emulation of UART0/1 hardware (please note that only « none » and « loopback » work right now).
– added emulation of eeprom writes, primarily used by Mr.Spiv’s « boot firmware selector » and PacRom.
– added eeprom is now saved to file (iic.bin) when emulator is closed.
– removed splash screen.
– added eeprom data is accessible with memory editor, starting at address 0x15400100 (for debug purposes).
– added loading of AXF and ELF files (buggy, but who cares?).
– changed SMC file is only changed/saved after user confirmation.
– (…) and a lot of other stuff I did not keep track of … (sorry, no sound in this version).

En savoir plus…