fs-uae est un émulateur multi-plateformes (sur Linux , mac osX et windows) reprenant les travaux de WinUAE/E-UAE/PUAE en mettant l’accent sur l’émulation des jeux sur lecteur de disquette et CD-Rom. A noter que cette version propose un launcher dédié.  Il s’agit de la version en cours de développement.


Changements :

A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.5.14dev:
Updates to Qemu PPC CPU integration.
New option: cdrom_drive_0_controller (to specify for example ide1)
Fixed problem when inserting, ejecting and then inserting a CD again.
Changes to how fastest-possible-mode works and interacts with frame rendering (solves some issues, might introduce new ones…)
Fixed and activated more recent Picasso96 (uaegfx) code.
Enabled emulation of GFX hardware boards (Picassso IV, etc).
A bit more code cleanup and fixes to make code compatible with MSVC.


Known issues:
Booting CD32 with CD inserted works, but inserting later, or eject + re-insert does not seem to work right now.


Télécharger FS-UAE (Instable) v2.5.14 DEV (6,6 Mo)

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