Un nouveau status du développement de Mame vient d’être publié :

2003-03-27: Luca Elia added Puckman Pockimon to the Sega C2 driver.

2003-03-26: David Haywood resubmitted the alternate BIOS support for Neo Geo, this time using a compile time switch. Brian A. Troha improved the screen size in Krazy Bowl.

2003-03-25: Stefan Jokisch sent in further updates to the old Capcom drivers, fixing minor graphics glitches in Son Son and Higemaru. David Haywood fixed the sounds in Tattoo Assassins and he fixed the incorrect graphics in Namco Classics Vol.2 but it still crashes when trying to start a game. Barry Rodewald fixed Rotary Fighter so that it is now playable. Jarek Burczynski sent in a preliminary Shougi driver that isn’t playable because of a custom MCU. Bryan McPhail fixed the sound board reset in Tattoo Assassins. Acho A. Tang added support for 32bpp shadows and highlights in the core, improving the quality of some graphical effects in Mystic Warriors.

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