Nouvelle version pour ce Front End destiné à M1, un excellent émulateur sonore, en voici les améliorations:

– Work around for Delphi’s bug that under lines are not displayed in the tray menu.
– Added a sorting indicator to the listview column header in the ROM browser.
– Fixed colour of the main window.
– Changed hMutex string was accidentally matched to another software.
– Fixed ListView and popup menu behaviours when items are few.
– Fixed a problem the time setting in the list file is more than 59 seconds.
– Introduced virtual ListView for the ROM browser, sped up overall work around it.
– Added user definable wave file name format option.
– Fixed a bug that wave is not logged properly when the last song in the list is stopped automatically.

Télécharger SSSPSX (CPU Type Interpreter) 0.0.11 (34.1 Ko)

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