John IV libére Mame 32 0.76, beaucoup d’améliorations sont présentes (que Mame32 Plus 0.76 ne contient pas!):

* Added programmatically populated lightgun and multi-monitor folders. [René Single]
* Added reset play count and play time for individual games, and globally. [secondary click on game, & Options • Interface Options. [René Single]
* Allowed filter propagation downward from parent folders, toggle this feature in Options • Interface Options. [René Single]
* Changed behavior of vertical scrollbar in history pane, will not show if there is less text than available room. [René Single]
* Extended game not working status support to show more flags in status bar and game properties. [René Single]
* Added tool tip text to status bar if longer than displayable name is selected. [René Single]
* Increased history.dat buffer to prevent cut-off and overflow. [René Single]
* Re-implemented ability to show game’s icon on title bar in windowed mode. [René Single]

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