Il s’agit d’une version béta de bsnes ajoutant un mode haute résolution au mode 7, le résultat est absolument magnifique !! Espérons que byuu pourra l’intégrer dans le projet officiel !





This is a mod of bsnes 107.1 by byuu (high-level emulation for co-processors came right on time for this). It performs Mode 7 transformations (incl. HDMA) at up to 4 times the horizontal and vertical resolution.
Optionally, for games with pseudo 3D perspectives, some limitations of the integer math used by the SNES can be avoided by more aggressive averaging.This can be disabled in Settings/Emulator/Experimental, where you can also change the scale or disable this feature. For best performance try different output modes in Settings/Driver/Video. (For me Direct3D performs best.)
If you find games that either look great or do not work correctly please let me know here.
I’d much appreciate if you could provide me with safe states for these situations (assuming that is legal, I’m not sure there), ideally slightly before the scene.
I’d especially like ones for the various Mode 7 use in Super Castlevania IV, especially the rotating tube background.
There is no repo, yet. So, please link here if you mention this in a post, article or video.


D’autres images là et ici (ou encore là et là). A télécharger ici: beta 1, beta 2, beta 3.

Site Officiel