Atari++ est un émulateur tournant à l’origine sous Linux et supportant 8 systèmes Atari : Atari 400/800, Atari 400XL, 800XL, 130XE & la console de jeu VCS5200. un build est maintenant disponible sous Windows. Elle inclue la librairie SDL.

– Fixed race condition when switching the resolution, could
cause crashes.
– Fixed Antic CHARBASE switches, did not keep care of
horizontal scrolling correctly.
– Fixed leaking key presses from the GUI to the core.
– Fixed PIA Port A handling, Port A input is non-buffered.
– Fixed Monitor backspace key on some broken ncurses
– Added « graphical » single-step trace command for the monitor.
– History of the monitor is now a tad smarter and buffers un-
finished lines.
– Fixed « dummy writes » for INC and DEC commands.
– Fixed player horizontal split, did erraneously remove the
old player.
– Fixed timing of the pokey timers, should be more precise
– Fixed XIO for serial baud generator, argument zero leaves
baud rate alone.
– Fixed serial input counter for concurrent mode
– Fixed state parser, is now less sensitive to CF/LF vs. LF

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