Nouvelle WIP de cet émulateur de Super NES, compilé par Ipher.

# ALL: Some DSP-3 stuff before I go mad. [Nach]
# ALL: More x86-64 fixes. [Nach]
# WIN: Fixed bug in highres mode with HQ4x. [MaxSt]
# SDL: Major update to the autoconf script: cleanup and a nifty cpu detection code by Nach to optimize architecture properly with most cpus.
# SRC: Added ifndef to preproccessor. Really cleaned up the source. Added framework for upcoming features. Outputted file is now optimized a bit. (parsegen) [Nach]

Télécharger iDeaS v1.0.4.0 (241.0 Ko)

Télécharger Dualis R20.4 (277.9 Ko)

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