Ca date déjà de quelques jours mais c’est pas grave, voici donc la dernière version stable d’UPX (un compresseur d’exécutable).
Il est utilisé par pas mal d’émulateurs et autres programmes divers. Mame l’utilisait encore il y a peu mais récemment la MameTeam a décidé d’arrêter son utilisation car du coup il fallait plus de mémoire vive, en effet si l’exe passait de 36 à ~8.4mo il fallait ~107mo de mémoire vive pour lancer une partie de SF2, sans compression par UPX on a donc un exe de 36mo mais une partie de SF2 ne demande plus que ~64mo de Ram, dans le cas de Mame il est vrai que le gain de place n’est pas prioritaire par rapport au gain de mémoire.

Voici les changements:

Changes in 2.00 (27 Apr 2006):
* linux/386: the stub now prints an error message if some strict
SELinux mode does prevent runtime decompression and execution
(for a fully SELinux-compatible but otherwise inferior compression
format you can use the ‘–force-execve’ option)
* linux/386: worked around a problem where certain Linux kernels
clobber the %ebx register during a syscall
* win32/pe: disable filters for files with broken PE headers

Changes in 1.96 beta (13 Apr 2006):
* arm/pe: added filter support
* win32/pe: removed an unnecessary check so that Delphi 2006 and
Digital Mars C++ programs finally are supported

Changes in 1.95 beta (09 Apr 2006):
* arm/pe: added DLL support
* arm/pe: added thumb mode stub support
* arm/pe: added unpacking support
* win32/pe: really worked around R6002 runtime errors

Changes in 1.94 beta (11 Mar 2006):
* new format: added support for arm/pe (ARM executables running on WinCE)
* new format: added support for linux elf/amd64
* new format: added support for linux elf/ppc32
* new format: added support for mach/ppc32 (Apple Mac OS X)
* win32/pe: hopefully working « load config » support
* win32/pe: R6002 runtime errors worked around
* win32/pe: the stub now clears the dirty stack

Changes in 1.93 beta (07 Feb 2005):
* vmlinuz/386: fixes to support more kernels

Changes in 1.92 beta (20 Jul 2004):
* win32/pe: added option ‘–strip-loadconf’ to strip the SEH load
config section [NOTE: this option is obsolete since UPX 1.94]
* win32/pe: try to detect .NET (win32/net) files [not yet supported by UPX]
* vmlinux/386: new format that directly supports building Linux kernels
* source code: now compiles cleanly under Win64

Changes in 1.91 beta (30 Jun 2004):
* djgpp2/coff: added support for recent binutils versions
* linux/elf386, linux/sh386: lots of improvements
* vmlinuz/386: added support for recent kernels
* watcom/le: don’t crash on files without relocations
* win32/pe: stricter checks of some PE values
* option ‘–brute’ now implies ‘–crp-ms=999999’.
* source code: much improved portability using ACC, the
Automatic Compiler Configuration
* source code: compile fixes for strict ISO C++ compilers
* source code: compile fixes for Win64
* re-synced with upx 1.25 branch

Changes in 1.90 beta (11 Nov 2002):
* implemented several new options for finer compression control:
‘–all-methods’, ‘–all-filters’ and ‘–brute’
* ps1/exe: new format – UPX now supports PlayStation One programs
* linux/386: added the option ‘–force-execve’
* vmlinuz/386: better kernel detection and sanity checks
* re-synced with upx 1.24 branch
* documentation updates

Changes in 1.11 beta (20 Dec 2000):
* vmlinuz/386: new format – UPX now supports bootable linux kernels
* linux/elf386: added the new ELF direct-to-memory executable format – no
more temp files are needed for decompression!
* linux/sh386: added the new shell direct-to-memory executable format – no
more temp files are needed for decompression!
* reduced overall memory requirements during packing
* quite a number of internal source code rearrangements

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Télécharger Project64 (Clements Unofficial Update) v3.0 (345.3 Ko)

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