Nouvelle version pour cet émulateur de Super Nes, après des mois de standBy:

NOTICE: There were a ton of internal core changes to make SNES9x work MUCH better and on many more platforms than before. Unfortunately the Windows port is so radically differant from the rest of the ports, there is no Windows version for 1.50, as it was not maintained. Feel free to make your own Windows port from the source, but if you do PLEASE send the changes back to the SNES9x team.

# Pseudo-hires rendering flush, Old 2xsai endian fix (anomie)
# Added ´oops´ auto-snapshot support (anomie)
# Fixed usage messages (Unix) (anomie)
# Old split-ROM-in-zip bugfix (anomie)
# ./configure fix for detecting libpng (anomie)
# Fix « no PNG support » error message (anomie)
# Anomie´s control remapping patch (anomie)
# Support for IPS patches in the zip file (anomie)
# OBC1 savestate fix (Overload)
# Fix turbo frameskip, X11 keyboard auto-repeat, VRAM reads (anomie)
# Add some missing ifdefs (UNZIP_SUPPORT and ZLIB), from AaronOneal (anomie)
# Config file for Unix/X11 and Unix/SVGA (anomie)
# CPU instruction fixes (mostly emulation mode & timing) (anomie)
# Mode 7 fixes (anomie)
# Rewrote the renderer. Enjoy! (anomie)
# Correct-ish memmap boundary testing. (anomie)
# Add support for saner directory structures under Unix (anomie)
# Unix: Fixed detection of newer libpng (spotted by vapier) (PBortas)
# Added 4-point gaussian interpolation and proper envelopes many thanks to Brad Martin and TRAC. (zones)
# Fixed several sound problems. (zones)
# Fixed the memory access problem in C++ Super FX core. (zones)
# Speed adjustment of C++ Super FX emulation. (zones)
# Various timing fixes: NMI, IRQ, WRAM refresh, cycles per line, HBlank start, etc. Many thanks to byuu for much information. (zones)
# Removed some game specific hacks. (zones)
# Added partial Satellaview (BS) emulation. (Dreamer Nom, zones)
# Added the Katakana font for onscreen messages. (107)
# Updated JMA to v1 (Nach)
# Unix: Fixed JMA options in config (Nach)
# Unix: Removed –with(out)-asmcpu option in config because the i386 assembler CPU core is out of date. (zones)
# Unix: Changed the default settings in config. (zones)
# Updated porting.html (porting.txt) in sync with 1.5. (zones)
# Fixed buffer over/under flow due to incorrect logical operator in S-RTC code (byuu)
# Fixed HDMA flags bug. (byuu, anomie)
# Fixed bugs causing crashing in Unix. (Nach)
# Ported Snes9x to AMD64. (John Weidman, Nach, zones)
# Completed DSP-1 code. (Andreas Naive, Overload, Nach)
# Updated DSP-3 code. (Nach, z80 gaiden)
# Updated DSP-4 code. (Dreamer Nom, Nach, z80 gaiden)
# Overhauled BS detection. (Nach)
# Improved Unix portability. (Nach, zones)
# Fixed infiniti loop and invalid read bug in C++ C4 core. (Nach)

En clair c’est super si vous n’êtes pas sous Windows car aucun build officiel pour ce dernier n’est disponible, garder donc Zsnes ou attender que quelqu’un fasse un portage Windows de cette version…

Site Officiel de Snes9X

Site Officiel d’Ipher

En savoir plus…