Source Changes
Improved offsets of the « normal spites » in the SSV games twineag2,
ultrax, and dynagear. [robzia]

Added missing video change to the lethalen driver. [David Haywood]

Some nice improvements to the debugger: [Andrew Gardner]
* added ability to tab between views in the disassembly windows
* added a ‘cursor’ to the dasm view and hooked up navigation keys
* added F4 ‘run to here’ key when the disasm view has focus
* added F9 ‘toggle breakpoint’ key when the disasm view has focus
* enhanced memory view keyboard navigation

Added workaround for crash in the sound code under some edge cases.
[David Haywood]

Fixed background ROM loading in the new wbmlbg set. [David Haywood]

Overhauled and corrected the DIP switches in the trivia and quiz
games in the findout driver. [wolf676]

Added PORT_DIPLOCATION to the airbustr driver. [Roberto Fresca]

TIA-MC1 driver improvements: [Eugene Sandulenko]
– fixed documentation
– hooked game counter and coin lockout
– added save state support

Fixed 6840 counter behavior in continuous mode. [El Condor]

Identified some unknown DIP switches in Robby Roto. [wolf676]

Big update to the arkanoid driver which improves emulation of some
bootlegs: [Steph]
– Interverted ‘arkblock’ and ‘arkbloc2’ sets for better comparaison
– Renamed sets :
* ‘arkbl2’ -> ‘arkmcubl’
* ‘arkbl3’ -> ‘arkgcbl’
– Changed some games descriptions
– Removed flags from the following sets :
* ‘arkbloc2’ (old ‘arkblock’)
* ‘arkgcbl’ (old ‘arkbl3’)
* ‘paddle2’

Fixed a multithreading race condition at startup. [Nathan Woods]

Added some minimal validation on the sample rate configuration
parameters. [Firewave]

Fixed a few dips and added diplocation setting for Wonder Stick
in the nmg5.c driver. [Brian Troha]

Big update to the MPU4 driver: [El Condor]
– added support for reverse clocking in the VFD code.
– changed the 6840 to not run the counter clock if no frequency
is specified
– reworked the MPU4 drastically to be more in sync with AGEMAME
– MPU4 video should now be working a little better
– deprecated 6850acia.c, replacing it with a specialized driver

Updated core.mak to ensure the make clean will remove file2str.exe.
[Nathan Woods]

Added new ROM loading option, ROM_IGNORE() which works just like
ROM_CONTINUE() except that you don’t need to load the data anywhere.
It can be used when larger ROMs are present and only a portion of the
data is used. See solomon.c for an example. [Aaron Giles]

Removed support for the old debugger. [Aaron Giles]

Added driver_data member to the Machine structure, where drivers can
hang data instead of using global variables. Added MDRV_DRIVER_DATA
macro so the core can allocate this structure at startup. Added
AM_BASE_MEMBER and AM_SIZE_MEMBER which are similar to AM_BASE and
AM_SIZE but let you specify a member of a struct hanging off of
driver_data. Updated the Turbo driver to use these new features as an
experiment. [Aaron Giles]

More Turbo driver cleanup: [Aaron Giles]
* doubled the horizontal resolution to better draw analog sprites
* improved Buck Rogers and Subroc video

New clones added
Solomon’s Key (US) [Bobby Conover]
Commando (bootleg) [ClawGrip]
Beam Invader (set 2) [Peter Townson]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Connect 4 [El Condor]
PlayMan Poker (Germany) [Roberto Fresca]
Big Boy [David Haywood]

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