Emu28 est un émulateur de calculatrice HP18C/HP28C. Il est basé sur les sources du célèbre EMU48 et publié sous license GPL (toujours pas le carburant). Tout comme EMU48, cet émulateur nécessitera la rom de la calculatrice a émuler, ce fichier n’est bien entendu par compris dans l’archive pour un problème de copyright.

– bugfix in function disasm_8(), the ?HS=0 n opcode showed always as
?=0 opcode

– bugfix in function StopDisplay(), in most times display wasn’t
cleared in calculator off state (bug introduced in v1.10)

– changed function OnFileClose(), removed call of KillKML() because
will be done in ResetDocument()
– bugfix in function OnViewScript(), removed error message because
it’s wrong when script is ok, but log report was leaved with
Cancel button, also if clause of error message box was never
reached because error message box had no Cancel button
– changed function OnViewScript(), added call of
SetWindowPathTitle() to adjust length of window title
– changed function WinMain(), simplified document loading at startup
and replaced full filename title with length cut filename

– extern declaration of global functions

– changed version

– moved function WriteStack() inside file
– added new function GetCutPathName(), creating a length cut
– added new function SetWindowPathTitle(), replacement for calling
SetWindowTitle() for getting length cut filenames as title
– changed function MapRom(), removed some useless variable settings
and optimized ROM unpacking
– changed function OpenDocument(), SaveDocumentAs() and
RestoreBackup(), replaced call of function SetWindowTitle() with
– changed function GetOpenFilename(), GetSaveAsFilename(),
GetLoadObjectFilename() and GetSaveObjectFilename(), moved
storage place of local file buffer from heap to stack

– bugfix in function CreateKmlList(), fixed possible call of API
function lstrcmpi() with NULL pointer at Hardware detection and
select only KML files with a valid Model statement
– bugfix in function Lex(), EOF without LF at end of non empty line
wasn’t detected as EOL

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