De la news au sujet de RomCenter, l’autre très bon manager de roms:

I would like to give some news about romcenter 3 as I’m spending quite some times on it actually.
So, I built (again Razz) a new repair engine. It will allow more flexibility like managing samples and chd (not yet done). It loads also very quickly at startup: 5 sec for a mame set with 3 folders and more than 3000 files. yeah !!
It can actually load mame xml datafiles.
It is working quite well now for normal roms. I fixed more than 3000 files without problems (took 24 min, I don’t know how cl*m*me perform… anyone ?)
But It still needs a lot of work. I still have to add corrupted files support, to hook progress windows and other gui items, add items level fix in view, add samples and chd support etc…
But things are coming nicely. I just finished removing all memory leaks.

I will do my best to post more wip reports, and as soon as I got something usable, I will publish an alpha for a test in the wild. Cool

If you have questions, you can post them.

Rien de bien neuf pour qui utilise Clrmame, de plus on aurait aimé connaitre le temps qu’il faut pour charger 6250 roms + CHD dans UN SEUL répertoire et non dans 3, comme le fait clrmame tout naturellement, enfin c’est déjà nettement mieux pour RC (et ça ravira ceux qui ont un gros problème avec l’interface de ClrMame), et même si ça parait encore assez loin de l’efficacité de son rivale, attendont de pouvoir tester pour juger 🙂

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