Une version Beta public de l’excellent WinUAE.

– do not « fix » \’s at start of path (b14)
– sound sync ignored recently emulated NTSC short/long line toggle
– less aggressive sound sync in non-vsync modes (not much point really)
– 68020 CE cycle counting rewritten (may not be better yet but easier to tweak in future)
– added support for single sided PC/Atari ST-style images
– added .st to disk image dialog extension list, .vhd to hardfile list
– onscreen leds show selected disk side
– onscreen led track number is dimmed when drive is empty
– always mount regular hardfiles, even if dostype is unknown or filesystem fails to load (unknown dostype = whole drive disappeared after reboot)
– add or create regular partition hardfile and size >=512M: generate more compatible default disk geometry (cylinders less than 65536)
– Action Replay statefile support should work again (again and again)
– AVIOutput: handle recording thread errors without freezing, record as 24-bit (instead of 32) if display is 32-bit
– fixed really stupid and old bug in blitter state restore
– added pause priorities (user pause > inactive > minimized), lower priority pause states can’t unpause higher priority states

Télécharger WinUAE (Public Beta) [32 bits] v5.3 Beta 5 (4.5 Mo)

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