Créé par zeromus et rheiny (aka SP) et rejoint par mz, adelikat, nitsujrehtona, Ugly Joe, maximus, CaH4e3 (Demul, FCEU-MM), Sebastian Porst (FCEUXD SP), qfox et Lucas Sabota. Sans oublié le travail des anciens auteurs: Bero (FCE), Xodnizel (FCEU), Bbitmaster & Parasyte (FCEU XD), Blip & nitsuja (FCEU TAS), Luke Gustafson (FCEU TAS+).

Il s’agit de la renaissance pour l’émulateur FCE Ultra. Il intègre des éléments de plusieurs autres versions à commencer par FCE Ultra lui même, FCEU re-recording, FCEUXD, FCEUXD SP et FCEU-mm. Bref, il s’agit enfin de la version ultime de FCE Ultra qui est à considérer comme la nouvelle version officielle (le site officiel de FCE Ultra redirigeant d’ailleurs sur celui de FCEUX).

Les nouveautés:

– New PPU is now functional! You can access it by changing the newPPU flag in the config file. Windows users can access it from Config > PPU > New PPU
– Dragon Ball Z 3 now playable again
– Fixed action 52 game that was broken in post-FCEUX 2.0.3 versions
– Mapper 253 mostly implemented
– Mapper 43 fixed bug

– Imported NSF features from FCEUXDSP-NSF. Debugging tools are now compatible with NSF files.
– Movies now record FDS disk swapping commands
– Movie play dialog displays movie time based on ~60.1 (~50.1 PAL) instead of 60 & 50
– Ram Watch and Ram Search dialogs imported from GENS rerecording
– Ram Filter dialog removed (now redundant compared to both cheat search and ram search)
– Lua script window ported from GENS
– Fix for the directory overrides bug that caused overrides to reset
– Debugger: .deb file saving/loading restored
– « Save config file » menu item
– « New PPU » menu item

Minor Bug fixes
– Minor fixes to recent menus
– Fixed a bug that prevented the Map Hotkeys dialog’s X button from closing the dialog
– Restored DPCM Logging when Code/Data Logger is active
– Memory watch – Save Changes Prompt – clicking save will default to quicksave first and save as 2nd (instead of always defaulting to save as)
– Made Trace Logger refresh adequately when using stepping options in the debugger.

– joypad.set() fixed. True,False, and Nil now work properly for all buttons. In addition there is a new « invert » option. Lua5.1.dll no longer required to use lua. fceu.unpause()
– Added savestate.registerload(), savestate.registersave(), savestate.loadscriptdata()
emu. library, has all the same functions as fceu. library for better compatibility between lua emulators
– Many additional function names to increase consistency with other lua emulators
– Added movie.recording() and movie.playing()
– Added memory.getregister() and memory.setregister()
– Added gui.popup and input.popup
– Added savestate.registerload(), savestate.registersave(), and savestate.loadscriptdata()

New Lua Scripts
– A multi-track movie recording tools written by FatRatKnight. Allows input for different players to be recorded separately.
– A rewinding tool written by Jonathan Blow

Télécharger FCEUX (32 bits) v2.6.6 (3.8 Mo)

Site Officiel

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