La reprise de l’émulateur par une nouvelle équipe: Nach, Zones, Anomie, DeHackEd, Byuu, BearOso, OV2 et Nitsuja en grande partie responsable du port Windows.

-selecting « display messages before applying filters » prior to loading any rom could cause a crash
-hq4x and simple4x did not work correctly in DirectDraw and 32bit modes
-selecting filters with different scales for normal/hi-res modes caused incorrect message scaling
-the rom information window was always disabled

-avi recording crashed on < vista -delete key mapping did not work after emulator restart fix2:
-parts of the window stopped updating when previously covered by other windows (only in d3d mode)

-display corruption in Super Metroid/Donkey Kong Country/… due to compiler optimization

Ancien thread.
Nouveau thread.

Télécharger Snes9x (x86) (XP/Vista/7/8/10/11) v1.62.3 (2.8 Mo)

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