Une version Beta public de l’excellent WinUAE.

– CE-mode CIA interrupt delay decreased by 1 CPU clock cycle, tst.b CIAICR immediately followed by move.w #x,INTREQ didn’t clear the interrupt in some situations
– disk DMA used generic memory access routines, not chip access routines (could DMA to/from any memory address, not just chip ram)
– « Z3 fake chip » added, « unlimited » chip ram size. (technically it adds another z3 fast ram board that UAE boot rom changes to MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_LOCAL and removes normal chipset DMA addressing limits)
– two directory filesystem crash fixes (related to opening non-existing files or directories, broken during C++ conversion)
– CD32 state restore didn’t work if CD32 configuration was not pre-selected
– save POT capacitors’ charge status to statefile
– disk read DMA wordsync should not skip first syncword if bit stream is already aligned (Starglider 2 original) REVERTED
– on the fly cycle-exact switching broke few betas ago
– use early blitter finished state emulation only in 68000 cycle exact modes, 68020 « CE » can execute blitter busy check followed by write to blitter register really too quickly

Télécharger WinUAE (Public Beta) [32 bits] v5.3 Beta 5 (4.5 Mo)

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