Il s’agit d’un émulateur des stations de travail HP 9000 series 200. Pour le moment il émule les modèles HP 9816 et 9836A.

better timers
corrected some keymap (execute is really in us keymap, prt all & graphics is now scroll key)
9836C display ok (try STORM from bas5manx)
9837H partial (need some dump)

functionnal 9837 emulation (thanks again Jon)
some 68000 optimize
added a second hard drive at 700,4
rewrote layout (remove old kml and bmp files)
put a new distrib

added an HP98635 floating point math card (choose when ‘new’) , speed up basic x3,
pascal x7 if using reals. Just get ‘’ and replace the 2 .Exe

corrected some timer bugs (cyclic timers was not reloaded)
added a basic printer as text file (printer-xxx.txt)
other bugs corrected
save and load of system should work now
put a new distrib

more bugs corrected for save an load of systems
(don’t forget to fill the full path of kml dir the first time you choose one)
so new distrib

Télécharger HP98x6 (27/02/2011) (3.7 Mo)

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