Nouvelle version de cet excellent émulateur de Super Nintendo dont voici les améliorations:
– Added Kode54’s BRR decoder fix and SPC dumping protocols. (Kode54)
(I may edit the GUI Dialog to have the Sample Decoding Cashe selection
Grayed out since it is broken and non-working till it gets fixed or
changed to something else.)
– Added FMOD 3.50 support to fix FMOD audio modes from last Official release.
– Cleaned up Borland GUI Graphical mode selection menu. OpenGL Bumpmapping
is finally gone since was defunct and virtually removed.
– Rearranged VC GUI to reduce redundant settings and simply menu items
to avoid having people who are new confused by multiple settings. All settings
still are fully operational and work.
– Debugging menu removed since it really wasn’t helpful nor useful to the average user.
– Changed the old Mouse from a .(dot pointer) to an X(Linux X-Mouse) style pointer to make it easier to see.