Nouvelle correction de bugs sur BSnes dont l’auteur s’occupe assidument

A few issues crept up in the last release, this should take care of them.

First, it seems that the 32-bit runtime on 64-bit versions of Windows have 64-bit time functions; whereas true 32-bit Windows does not. This was causing a DLL error when attempting to load bsnes v090.

Second, when there were more than 2,000 files in the same folder on Windows, it was lagging the file browser. With OV2’s help, I’ve fixed that and it’ll now load the list instantly.

Lastly, I’ve included the missing video shaders this time.

Télécharger Higan (32 bits) v110 (2.7 Mo)

Télécharger Higan (64 bits) v110 (3.0 Mo)

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