Nouvelle version pour cet émulateur Playstation dont voici les améliorations:

– Fixed incorrect textures and depth clipping (THP2)
– Fixed random poly glitches for some games, thanks to linuzappz. (Crash Bandicoot, GBA2 etc)
– Fixed incorrect coloring bugs caused by CC. (i.e. RR4, still some issues)
– Correct sound restoration after pressing ESCAPE.
– Fixed savestate creation bug for Tokimeki. (« PSXevenstates » directory needs to be there or savestates will not be created.)
– Added path saving for most recently accessed cdrom image, savestate or psx-exe.
– Added support for snapshots. (press F8).
– Added null spu plugin.
– Improved autodetection routines for cdrXeven.
– Fixed opengl/d3d « i hear the sound but i dont see anything » bug.

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