Quelques mauvaises nouvelles de la part de Romain (LTronic) en provenance de Potato Emulation :

Hi here is Romain. I have sad news today. I am leaving the emulation scene for an undefined period of time. Maybe months. Maybe more. I don t know yet. I might come back if I feel ready to. As maybe my last gift to the emulation community, except before the end of the month the source code of PotatoMulti. I really hope that other people (Julien ? Erik ? anyone ? ) will get interested into and could continue it. See you later, my fellow readers.

Romain quitte donc la scène pour une période non déterminé mais il nous ferra un gros cadeau avec les sources de son prometteur PotatoMulti, en esperant que quelqu’un poursuive son développement…

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