Créé par Avery Lee (l’auteur de VirtualDub), il s’agit d’un émulateur d’Atari 8 bits (800/800XL/130XE). Il dispose de beaucoup d’options ainsi que d’une bonne compatibilité. Il prend en charge les jeux protégés conformément à l’émulation.


– Fixed an issue with the Hotel title screen when running under AltirraOS due to weird CIO usage (the game that keeps on giving…).
– Fixed a bug causing video snow when running ‘816 mode >1.79MHz, due to the CPU using the bus at the same time as ANTIC for false indexing cycles. (« Hey, cool, the CPU’s going so fast you can see it stealing cycles from the video chip.  Uh, wait, it’s not supposed to do that…. »)
– Fixed ATBasic not recognizing . as REM.
– Fixed ATBasic resetting the TRAP line on CLR and LOAD, when it should only do so for NEW.
– Fixed another issue with running the EXE version of ATBasic under OS-B. It now lowers RAMTOP by 4K to work around the screen editor memory trashing bug.


Télécharger Altirra v2.60 Test 23 (3,4 Mo)

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