The Fucking Rabbit a updaté ses builds de MAME32K (incluant Kaillera). Ce nouveau build est bien entendu basé sur MAME v0.67 :

Removed a lot of stuff.
Chat sux0rz in window mode.
Fxed inp record zip support.
Added some new inp records in records page :

– Captain America, 1 coin clear(long) completed by Vidar X
– Tenchi wo Kurau 2, 1 coin clear by Wanwan
– Golden Axe 2, 2p 1 life clear by 🙁 and *-_-*
– Golden Axe 2, 1p 1 life clear by Wanwan
– Punisher, 1 coin clear by TFR and ATC
– King of The Monster, 1 coin clear completed by Vidar X
– Tenchi wo Kurau, 1 coin clear by Wanwan

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