Créé par Avery Lee (l’auteur de VirtualDub), il s’agit d’un émulateur d’Atari 8 bits (800/800XL/130XE). Il dispose de beaucoup d’options ainsi que d’une bonne compatibilité. Il prend en charge les jeux protégés conformément à l’émulation.


features added
Devices: R-Verter emulation.
Disk: Added 1050 drive sounds and added emulation of 1050 reseeking on errors.


bugs fixed
ANTIC: Fixed blanking of rows 8-9 in IR mode 2.
AltirraOS: Activate self-test ROM after memory test to mimic the XL/XE OS’s behavior when doing ROM checksums.
AltirraOS: Improved compatibility of S: plot/line commands in GR.0.
Cartridge: Fixed crash with MegaCart 1M (2) mapper.
Debugger: Fixed Step Over not working in 65C816 mode.
Debugger: Fixed B/P/S registers being shown incorrectly in history view in 65C816 mode.
Debugger: Improved call stack decoding.
Debugger: Fixed assembly/disassembly of MVP/MVN instructions.
Debugger: Fixed assembly of [dp],Y addressing modes.
Disk: Fixed boot sector not being initialized when precreating formatted DOS 3 disks.
Disk Explorer: Fixed crash when activating context menu with no disk image mounted.
Input: Fixed right mouse button on mice not working for ports 2/4.
Simulation: Added timeout to logic for holding Option on boot.
PIA: Interrupt flags can now be set without having interrupts enabled.
PIA: Reenabling IRQA1 or IRQB1 with the flags already set now reasserts IRQ.
POKEY: Serial input no longer works while initialization mode is active.
UI: Fixed /portablealt writing into the current directory instead of starting directory when given a relative path.
UI: Changed cursor mode to fix drag-and-drop incompatibility with 7-Zip File Manager.


Topic des versions Beta.

Télécharger Altirra v2.70 Test 8 (3.6 Mo)

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