QMC2 – M.A.M.E. est une interface graphique pour l’émulateur de jeux d’arcade M.A.M.E. Il est le successeur d’une des premières interfaces graphiques UNIX pour M.A.M.E. : QMamecat, et est aujourd’hui le projet le plus actif dans le domaine. QMC2 repose sur l’utilisation de la bibliothèque graphique Qt4.




Changements :

– fix: QMC2 Arcade: DAT-info database: corrected file modification checking to also work on Windows
– fix: QMC2 Arcade: corrected the settings key used for querying the machine list cache path (unification bug)
– fix: corrected character conversion of file paths for multi-byte character sets (works everywhere except on Windows, so avoid paths with multi-byte characters)
– fix: image checker: use a more reliable condition to determine the end of the (threaded) image scan
– fix: the initial setup dialog didn’t honor the new default setting for ‘NativeFileDialogs’ on Mac OS X
– fix: corrected input focus after full ROM audits (minor)
– fix: renamed the former make option MINGW to FORCE_MINGW in order to resolve a conflict with the environment of the latest MAME dev-tools
– fix: software-lists: corrected part specification when manually mounting
– fix: MiniWebBrowser: hovered links weren’t displayed in the browser’s status bar while a page was still loading
– imp: updated category.ini contributed by ASH to MAME 0.164
Рimp: updated the alternative system-notes template contributed by Jos̩ Marcio Rezende Franco
– imp: file-chooser: include hidden files / folders
– imp: video player: the player’s context menu is now also available in full-screen mode and playback can be paused / resumed by left-clicking into the video widget
– imp: improved progress indication for machine list loading
– imp: optimized the creation of the hierarchical parent/clone view (drastically improves the overall loading performance)
– imp: adjusted the ROM state filter menu to work the same way as the software-state filter menu
– imp: added make option FORCE_PHONON which – when set to 1 – enables the use of Phonon even with Qt 5
– imp: about dialog: added Mac OS X 10.10 & Windows 10 detection for Qt >= 4.8.7 / 5.5.0
– imp: replaced minizip 1.1 with the actively maintained minizip code from http://github.com/nmoinvaz/minizip which also fixes support for very large ZIP archives
– imp: improved catver.ini loading performance (about twice as fast now) and category/version lookups (QMap => QHash)
– new: software-lists: added a ‘matched items’ counter for the current search pattern to the software-list statistics
– new: video player: added support for video snaps (bug tracker ID #110)
– new: system-notes templates: added support for video snaps by providing their file URLs to the template (can be used in an HTML5 video container for example)


Télécharger QMC2 (x86) v0.54 (30,3 Mo)

Télécharger QMC2 (x64) v0.243 (48.9 Mo)

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