m64p (ou Mupen64Plus-GUI) est une interface graphique écrite en Qt5. Elle supporte tout ce que vous attendez d’une interface mupen64plus (sélection de plugins, édition de la configuration, gestion des sauvegardes, capture d’écran, pause, etc.).
Cette archive inclut Mupen64Plus + GlideN64 + une interface utilisateur.

– IS Viewer support. You can view the output from IS Viewer by going to Emulation->View Log. This log view is now updated live, so you can leave that window open while you play
– Some bug fixes for the dynarec, including Indiana Jones crashes and Densha de Go (English) not booting.
– Improvements to VRU speech recognition
– Fix for flickering in San Francisco Rush
– This release now includes mupen64plus’s « new dynarec ». It’s enabled by default for new installs. For existing installs, you can enable it by going Settings->Core and Video Settings and setting « R4300Emulator » to « 2 ». This should reduce the load on the CPU for most games.
– A first for any N64 emulator: VRU (Voice Recognition Unit) support! Only 2 games made use of it: Hey You, Pikachu! and Densha de Go! (English translation here: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/2947/)
– Misc Fixes

Code source. Builds ici.

Télécharger Simple64 (x86) (2020/06/02) (20.6 Mo)

Télécharger Simple64 (x64) v2024.03.2 (45.2 Mo)

Site Officiel

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