Une nouvelle version de Raine, un émulateur Multi-systèmes, vient de sortir dont voici les principales améliorations:

– Added rom region codes to gunbirdk and sngkace. It finally allows to have english texts in sengoku ace ! I also added the world clone of gunbird from mame, but it’s full of bugs, so it’s in partially working, and you’d better use the korean version with its new region code : same functions without the bugs !
– Buttons « Cheats », « Region » and « Dips » appear in the main dialog when the loaded game respectively has cheat codes, rom region codes, and dipswitches available (instead of being there all the time as before). Also the game is now automatically reseted when you change the region code.
– You can now select a game in the gui by typing its first characters instead of only its first char as before.
– A few minor fixes here and there…

Télécharger Raine (32 bits) v0.96.12a (10.6 Mo)

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