Voici un build de Raine spécial Romeo. Kezako ? Il s’agit d’un build concu pour etre utiliser avec une carte PCI qui contient plusieurs YM afin de restituer un son authentique, la classe quoi

– YM2151, YM2203, YM2608, YM2610 and YM2612 sound output parts are replaced to ROMEO.
– When a driver uses two YM2203, The first one is assigned to channels 1-3, and another one is to channels 2-6 of YMF288 chip on ROMEO. Only the first SSG is outputted through ROMEO.
– Referring to stereo information, darius driver separates FM synth parts to center/right/left, when DariusStereo item is specified as stereo in « config/raine32.cfg ».
– Referring to stereo information, dual68 driver separates FM synth parts to center/right/left. (but still it is incomplete.)

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